Deus Ex Machina campaigns ends, Late Backing process begins!

adminDeus ex Machina, News




Our campaign for Deus Ex Machina on Kickstarter ended successfully on August 6.

We reached our initial goal in less than 24 hours and we achieved all of our available stretch goals!

We would to thank all of you for your continuous support in our second game one year after Argonauts.

Now we get to work to fulfill our promised release date.



But what about those who didn’t hear about Deus Ex Machina on time or couldn’t back our project for any reason?

Today begins the Late Backing process.  Through our page you can still back us through Paypal by clicking the donate button on the same pledge levels as the Kickstarter campaign. This will be open until September 30.

For any questions or clarifications you can contact or

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