Ironclad FUNDED with 24 stretch goals unlocked!

adminIronclad, News

Hello everyone!


With your support, our Ironclad Kickstarter campaign ended yesterday with an astounding success! We’re immensely grateful for your love and support throughout the campaign. Your participation was vital in terms of feedback, not to mention your enthusiasm which motivated us!

Right now, the whole team will finally get a good night’s sleep. But tomorrow work starts anew!




Captain’s log. Day 22. The crew is exhausted, due to lack of proper rest, no doubt. Despite our turbulent, at times, voyage, we managed to arrive safely to our destination. Here we’ll refuel and restock on supplies. I granted a 2-day shore-leave to the crew as we prepare for the long journey ahead. Our mission is challenging, but I am confident of my crew and of our ship.

What’s next

Manos will start as soon as possible to work on the last illustrations of the main game that remain, as well as the many illustrations unlocked via stretch goals.

In the meantime, we’ll prepare the survey in the following days, so that we can ship all copies of Deus Ex Machina and Alexander’s Campaign. The survey will be unlocked until further notice, so you should feel free to modify your address until then.

We’ll keep you informed of the production process and any other relevant information along the way.

We want to give meaningful updates – and not just post an update for the sake of posting – so, for the time being you should expect them in a monthly basis. We will be sharing news along the way.

We’ll be showcasing Manos’ art as we receive it, so that we can whet your appetite 😉

Feel free to subscribe to our mailing list here, and to Ironclad’s entry in BGG here, and join the discussion.

Once more, thank you so very much for being a part of the last 22 days!


The Alcyon Creative team

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